Sony Entertainment’s latest show Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai has its television broadcasting on 19th February. The show has been doing well, tracking the initial records. The latest show features Meera Deosthale as Nandini in the lead. It emphasizes how Nandini challenges the age-old rituals of Indian society that belittle women.
Though Nandini is completely fascinated by her culture and traditions, she stands up for women. Meera’s character voices her opinion against unjust done to anyone. The serial portrays the practice of dowry that is still prevalent in many areas of our country.
The compelling storyline will follow gruesome episodes in the future times. It will showcase the newborn love story between the main leads. As Nandini crosses paths with Naren, her life will take an interesting turn. Her verbal clash with Naren over the issue of dowry cords a strike in the past. It shows why she is so determined to support what’s right, despite facing backlash.
As the story takes a tragic turn, Naren’s decision to marry Nandini instead of Vishakha creates a major problem. Though Nandini and her uncle urge him to stay away, Naren is strong-willed. However, it seems like the audience is in for a ride as the episodes are going to get exciting from now on.
When Naren gets unexpectedly arrested, it will lead to a shocking revelation for Nandini. She will discover some secrets that will change her perspective towards him, which probably teases a hint at a fresh love story.
Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai airs every Monday to Friday at 8:30 pm on Sony TV.