Sex Education to Bonding; top hot web shows you should never let your parents catch you watching

Nothing really compares to the awkwardness of watching a romantic scene with your parents. In this situation, if you’re looking for a few web shows to avoid next time you’re searching for something to watch with your mom and dad, we’ve got you covered. These shows may be great to watch with your friends, but you should steer clear of these options when you’re watching with your parents.

Nothing really compares to the awkwardness of watching a romantic scene with your parents. In this situation, if you’re looking for a few web shows to avoid next time you’re searching for something to watch with your mom and dad, we’ve got you covered. These shows may be great to watch with your friends, but you should steer clear of these options when you’re watching with your parents.

Sex Education 


Not only does this Netflix show have a more than a few sex scenes, but much of its story focuses on teenagers learning about sex. Sex Education has awkward sexual encounters, discussions of non-consensual sex, and much more, as Teen Vogue noted in a review.


This Netflix show is about the BDSM community, and that should tell you everything about why your mom and dad shouldn’t be in the same room with you when you watch it.


This Netflix show is a little too racy for you to watch with your parents. The show not only has plenty of sex scenes, it also has a disturbingly attractive serial killer.

Too Hot To Handle 

This Netflix show is quite literally too hot for most parents to watch with their kids. The reality show saw a group of singles hanging out on a beach in Mexico in sexy swimwear.


This Netflix show is created by the Wachowski siblings who gave us the Matrix films. It’s a sci-fi show about eight people who become connected telepathically. Sense8 doesn’t just have sex scenes-it has some pretty raunchy ones.