The trailer for the upcoming Mystery and Thriller American film, Based on the Novel by Agatha Christie ‘A Hunting In Venice’ starring the Oscar Winner Michelle Yeoh is finally out.
Directed by Kenneth Branagh, the movie is set in the post-World War 2 era and revolves around the life of a former detective named Sleuth Hercule Poirot, who attends a seance in a haunted palazzo. But he is later required to solve the mystery when one of the guests is murdered bizarrely.
Apart from Michelle Yeoh, the upcoming movie also includes Kenneth Branagh as the detective Hercule Poirot, Jamie Dornan, Kelly Reilly, Tina Fey, Emma Laird, and Jude Hill.
As per some reports by Variety, the character played by Michelle Yeoh is very vital in the movie. Her character “has to have a sense of showmanship and gravity. She has to convince our audience that she’s capable of speaking to people on the other side, or at least is very convincing about that.”
Unlike the other movies such as ‘The Murder On The Orient Express’ and ‘Death On The Nile’, this will be the first time ever that ‘A Hunting In Venice’ will be adapted as a movie, even though it has been telecasted as the Television and Radio adaptations before.