Around the same time on Thursday morning, the actor from Archies and the rumored pair Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda were sighted at Mumbai’s Kalina airport. They may have been on a New Year’s vacation to an unidentified place. Agastya was accompanied by his sister, Navya Naveli Nanda. Suhana and Navya have been pals since they were young.
Wearing white, Agastya Nanda paired off with her sister, Navya. Suhana was dressed in identical black trousers and a black tank top.
Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan only have one daughter, Suhana. The grandchildren of Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan are Agastya and Navya, the kids of Shweta Bachchan Nanda and Nikhil Nanda.
This year, Suhana and Agastya made their cinematic debuts in The Archies. Following the Netflix release of Zoya Akhtar’s film, industry insiders couldn’t stop talking about their first feature. A coming-of-age musical, The Archies chronicles the lives of several characters in the fictional hill town of Riverdale, including Archie (Agastya), Veronica (Suhana), Betty (Khushi Kapoor), Jughead (Mihir Ahuja), Reggie (Vedang Raina), Ethel (Aditi Dot), and Dilton (Yuvraj Menda). Friendship, freedom, love, heartbreak, and rebellion are all explored in the movie.
Suhana and Agastya have disclosed some little-known details about one another in a promo film for The Archies. They were seen in the video preparing milkshakes for one another. A number of jars with labels such as “charming,” “moody,” “sarcastic,” and “lazy” were set out in front of them. Agastya revealed while they conversed, “I think Suhana is a very big gossip queen. You can’t tell her any secret.”