Veteran actor and father to superstar daughters Karisma and Kareena Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor was discharged from hospital after testing COVID negative. As per a report in E Times, Kapoor is back home and is feeling absolutely fine. He was admitted to Mumbai’s Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital on April 29 after being diagnosed with COVID.
Despite the fact that the star has returned home, he is also not permitted to meet anyone for a few days. “I have been advised to keep away. It’s just a matter of some more time before I will meet people,” he told the publication, adding, “I thank the hospital’s staff. They were simply fantastic. They looked after me very well”.
Meanwhile, he 74-year-old, who is the father of actresses Karisma and Kareena Kapoor, and is married to actress Babita, has lately been in the news after Bombay High Court asked him and his sister Rima Jain to submit the divorce decree of their brother, late Rajiv Kapoor, in a property-related case.
Randhir informed the court that on Wednesday that he was attempting to trace the divorce papers in order to produce them in court, and that he had delegated the task to a tracer.