Christina Applegate reveals wearing diapers after suffering serious stomach bug

Christina Applegate recently revealed that she once had a stomach bug so bad that she was forced to wear a diaper. She added that it is something she still does, out of precaution.

During the latest episode on her podcast, the actress went into graphic detail about this while talking to co-host Jamie- Lynn Sigler. She resorted to wearing diapers due to her intense sapovirus battle, which she chalked up to eating a tainted salad from a restaurant she frequented often.


While it is unclear over when this happened, Christina shared that it got so much worse that at one point she started to dizzy and was sick for 3 weeks, wherein she could not eat or do much else.

In fact, one morning she woke up at 3 in the morning covered in a “pool of s–t” all on top on coping with her multiple sclerosis diagnosis, which she first publicly shared in 2021.

The actress added that she had decided to undergo a stool sample test, where she learned that she had contracted sapovirus.

Explaining what the bug is in layman’s terms, she says that it is an inadvertently consuming someone else’s fecal matter through contaminated food, humorously adding, “Someone else’s poop went into my mouth, and I ate it.”