Pandit Sukh Ram Sharma, actor Aayush Sharma’s grandfather, died on 11 May, the actor took to his Instagram account to share an emotional note about his loss. The actor’s grandfather was a former politician, few days back Pandit Sukh Ram suffered a brain stoke and was going under treatment in Delhi, and he was 94 years old. Aayush’s grandfather was the Union minister of state communications from 1993 to 1996. His father Anil Sharma and brother Aashray Sharma are also politicians.
On his Instagram account, the actor wrote an emotional note, to bid farewell to his grandfather. The actor wrote, “With a very heavy heart I bid farewell to my beloved Dadaji Pandit Sukh Ram Sharma. Even though you’re gone, I know you’ll always be with me, guiding me, looking over me, and blessing me like you always do. Rest in peace dadaji, you will be dearly missed.” Aayush’s grandfather was airlifted and admitted to AIIMS in Delhi on May 7 after he had suffered a brain stroke in Manali in Himachal Pradesh. He died on 11 May at the hospital at 1:35 am, hospital sources said. Aayush’s brother Aashray Sharma said his body will be kept at Seri Manch in Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi to enable people to pay their last respects on.