Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana took to his social media handle and shared a series of pictures and a video as attended the Republic Day live in Delhi. The actor accompanied the post with a sweet caption as he expressed, “Honoured to witness the Republic Day Parade on the occasion of India’s 75th Republic Day. Took me back to my childhood days when I used to religiously watch this on Doordarshan every year with my entire family! Feeling incredibly nostalgic. Jai Hind! 🇮🇳🫡”
Ayushmann Khurrana’s Instagram post
For the occasion, the actor opted for a bright Nehru jacket and wrapped an off-white shawl around. He completed his look with black sunglasses. Reacting to his post, one of the fans wrote, “It’s such a patriotic and over whelming feeling 🇮🇳” Another wrote, “we love a man respectful to all cultures and nations 🇮🇳🌍” A third fan wrote, “Proud Indian ❤️ Happy Republic Day 🇮🇳🇮🇳” Another commented, “Jai Hind !! 🇮🇳🙌❤️”
Workwise, Ayushmann was last seen in Dream Girl 2 alongside Ananya Panday. The film was a sequel to the 2019 film Dream Girl, and it proved to be a commercial success. Meanwhile, rumors are rife that the actor is being considered to play the lead in Sourav Ganguly’s highly-awaited biopic.