Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), India’s leading multinational IT corporation has been hit by a corruption scandal.
As per the reports published by Mint, the case involves a few senior personnel in the company who accepted bribes from staffing firms against providing jobs to their candidates in TCS. The recently discovered scandal is said to be operating for many years and the company has already sacked four employees and is currently investigating the matters as reports surface.
The scandal has come as a shocker for the industry as major corporations are said to have a strong framework against corruption and other similar actions. The case is the first of its kind for TCS in its long run of successful operations.
The scam came to light when a whistle-blower wrote a letter to the CEO and COO of the company. The letter accused TCS global head of Resource Management Group (RMG), ES Chakravarthy of accepting commissions form staffing firms against offering their candidates job offer at TCS.
As a disciplinary measure, TCS has formed a 3 member committee to probe the allegations. The committee includes Chief Information Security officer Ajit Menon. Apart from terminating four officials from RMG the company has also ended contracts with three staffing firms and head of recruitment is also sent on a leave. An official of RBM division of the company is also been sacked.
The accused are said to have earned more then 100 crore during the scam.
TCS employed 3,00,000 people in the last three years and currently it has a workforce of 6,14,795 employees. The RMG division of TCS hires almost one person per minute and uses employee referral program and staffing firms to recruit permanent and temporary staff.
The details surrounding the scam are still unclear.