POWERGRID Committee approves investments in key projects

The ‘Committee of Directors on Investment on Projects’ at POWERGRID has given their approval for investments in key projects.

In a recent development, the ‘Committee of Directors on Investment on Projects’ at POWERGRID has given their approval for investments in key projects. The meeting, held on November 22, 2023, resulted in the approval of two projects.

PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited operates as a central public sector enterprise under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Power, Government of India. Specializing primarily in the transmission of large-scale power across various Indian states, its headquarters is situated in Gurugram. Notably, Power Grid facilitates the transmission of approximately 50% of the overall power generated in India through its extensive transmission network.


The committee approved the augmentation of transformation capacity at Maheshwaram (PG) Substation in Telangana. The estimated cost for this project is around Rs. 143 crore. It is scheduled to be commissioned within 21 months from the date of intimation, as per the CTUIL letter dated July 10 with the aim of completion by April 9, 2025.

The committee also granted approval for the Transmission System for Evacuation of Power from Potential RE Zone in Khavda Area of Gujarat. The estimated cost for this project is roughly around Rs. 225 crore. The scheduled commissioning is within 24 months from the date of intimation, with a targeted completion by July 9, 2025.

This move underscores POWERGRID’s commitment to enhancing its infrastructure and expanding its capabilities in the power transmission sector. The approvals align with the company’s strategic vision for continued growth and efficiency in its operations.