Power Grid wins two major transmission projects in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited has recently informed exchanges that the company has won bids for two major inter-state transmission system (ISTS) projects under the Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) process.

The projects, based on the Build, Own, Operate, and Transfer (BOOT) model, aim to enhance power evacuation and renewable energy integration in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Letters of Intent (LoIs) were issued on December 12, 2024.


Project Highlights

  1. Kudankulam Power Evacuation (Tamil Nadu)
    This project facilitates power evacuation from Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) Units 3 and 4 (2×1000 MW). It includes a 400kV transmission line between KNPP 3 & 4 and Tuticorin-II, along with terminal equipment at Tuticorin-II substation.
  2. System Strengthening at Koppal-II and Gadag-II (Karnataka)
    This project involves a 400kV transmission line connecting Koppal-II and Gadag-II. It also includes augmentation of transformation capacity at under-construction substations to support renewable energy integration in Karnataka.