Freelance announcer Ogura Tomoaki, aged 77, is set to appear on TV Asahi’s “Tetsuko’s Room” today, September 4. This appearance comes amidst a backdrop of significant health and personal challenges for Ogura, who has been battling serious illness since 2016.
Diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2016, Ogura’s condition took a turn for the worse when the cancer metastasized to his lungs by 2021. Despite rigorous treatment, his health deteriorated sharply two years ago, leading to an emergency hospitalization and a profound near-death experience. Ogura has spoken about a surreal encounter with his late father while near the Sanzu River during this critical period. His health crisis did not end there; at the end of last year, he faced yet another setback with a diagnosis of renal pelvis cancer, resulting in the complete removal of his left kidney.
Over the past six months, Ogura has shown considerable recovery and has resumed some normal activities, including traveling by train and bus. However, his personal life has also undergone significant changes. Since last fall, Ogura has been living alone, a decision he attributes to the overwhelming demands of his extensive collection of hobbies. This choice to live separately from his wife has been linked to his ongoing health battles and the need for a lifestyle that accommodates his condition.
In his upcoming appearance on “Tetsuko’s Room,” Ogura will discuss these personal and medical trials, offering insight into how he has managed these challenges while continuing his professional life. The segment will provide viewers a detailed look into his current living situation and lifestyle, reflecting both his resilience and the impact of his health issues on his personal life.